What to expect from us in the month of September


Each year we recognize September as Life Insurance Awareness month. Over the past year we'venoticed an increased focus on life insurance throughout the pandemic. Due to that increased demand, we want to continue raising that awareness with our most valuable clients and individuals in our community to educate you on life insurance. Over the next

Commercial Insurance | Business Interruption Claims & Covid 19


Many Business Interruption claims have been denied Coverage fall under 'Property Coverage' Pending Litigation may change the future of Interruption coverage No one could have predicted the uncertainty and financial impact the Covid 19 Coronavirus has created in 2020.  Many business owners start their fiscal year in January and look forward to their future earnings. 

Remote Office Update | Fall 2020


Greetings!  We hope this edition of our newsletter finds you well and healthy!  Fall is upon us and it is my favorite season. There’s no question 2020 has been quite the year! The Coronavirus has presented us unique challenges for our families and businesses.  The stay-at-home orders occurred roughly six-months ago and we all experienced

5 Reasons why life insurance from employers is never enough 👔


5 Reasons why life insurance from employers is never enough September was Life Insurance Awareness Month, and individuals are asking more questions than ever about life insurance coverage as a result of Covid 19.  Many are offered a life insurance benefit from their place of work and are often shocked to learn about the limited

Life Insurance During the Pandemic


The insurance industry has seen a whole new level of conditions that were tested when the coronavirus pandemic surfaced earlier this year.  The commercial insurance industry was tested with business interruption not covering business income from pandemics.  Some travel insurance companies have terminated sales of trip insurance policies, and

Applying for life insurance just got easier


Applying for life insurance has been known to be somewhat of a hassle.  The paper application process has been known to be cumbersome and somewhat abrasive when it comes to disclosing personal information and answering health questions.   Thanks to modern technology, some life insurance companies have figured out how to

Your Smart Phone and Auto Insurance

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Recent data from Newzoo’s Global Mobile Market Report has found that 77% of Americans use Smartphones to do a variety of activities from social media, web browsing, gaming apps such as Words With Friends, connecting fitness trackers, and even pay bills.  Food delivery and grocery drop off app usage has

Cyber Liability Insurance Coverage

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The corona virus pandemic has gone to show how large the online retail market place is.  For small businesses, today’s online environment offers convenience to place orders online.   For those business owners who offer commerce through their online website are exposed to a new level of risk when it comes

Agency Pandemic Response


During these unprecedented times of  the COVID-19 global health crisis, the staff at Montagno Insurance Agency and the companies that we represent are here for you! Each company has responded and has offered ‘Stay-at-Home’ discounts during the months of quarantine when most people were at home and off the roads. The